Adam Brock

Adam Brock
Adam in full swing

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Same year, different place!

Hi All,

Well, we're back in the saddle again--I'm now writing to you from our home in Aberdeen, where we arrived in full force on July 14, 2009. We were sad to leave Durham and the sun, our friends, the rolypops, my summer school, the Eno river, Blacknall Presbyterian, our families (who so graciously came to help us pack and get to the airport), and my shoes, which we left in Rockwood park when I had a nappy explosion two hours before our flight took off!

It was a good year in Durham, full of great memories and experiences. Top of the list, of course, is having perfect hearing for the first time in my life, courtesy of Dr. Hulka, my ENT. Mom says she may make an entry herself sometime to complete my list, or start a blog of her own. We'll see about the meantime, let me give you a rundown of our first week back in Aberdeen:

First off, we got to spend time with Andrew Cameron, our friend from Sydney, who came to see us and cooked us our first meal back in the UK (chicken stir fry). It was fun playing on the playgrounds with Mr. Andrew, and going to see a distillery--even though we didn't get in (that's where the picture is from). Then he left and mom and dad spent the weekend buying stuff. They got new phones, and talk to each other even when they don't need to, silly grown-ups! They also got a new car--it's a Citroen Xsara, but we like to call her "Zsa Zsa". I sit up higher than our old car, and I can see out the window really well. We went for a drive yesterday to celebrate, and had apple crumble at our favourite garden centre in Raemoir (well, I had apple crumble. I seem to have eaten most of it, but I was hungry!) Now mom says the washer is broken, so I guess we'll be going to get another one of those. She says she has lots of laundry to do--I wonder if I'm helping by taking off all my clothes every 5 minutes and weeing all over the floor? Hey, everyone has phases...

We've had a bit of rain, a bit of sun, some walks around the university and town, and lots of coffees. I guess we're off to a great start!

More soon--love to all,

p.s. THANK YOU to all our family who helped us so much in those last days--Oma and Opa, Papa and Oma from Texas, auntie Lou and cousins Kristin and Reid. We love you all!

1 comment:

Andy said...

Glad you've not lost the blogging habit back in Aberdeen, Adam. Great to hear you all got back safely. Jemima wants you to know that she's with you on the raised seating in the car - she loves looking out now, and at the moment is obsessed with seeing numbers (she's been learning with Roo in her Pooh Bear dvd). Love to your parents and brother - make sure you all keep us updated.

This is my brother

This is my brother
Caleb unplugged!