Hi Folks,
Some good news for you all: Yesterday mom took me to my ENT, and he checked my hearing. Now, I know they can't do really concrete, exact measurements because I, um, don't sit still at all! But, I passed all the tests they did do, and it appears that my hearing is now pretty much normal without my hearing aids. I can't tell you how thrilled mom and dad are, and me too-those things were a little annoying, to tell the truth!
The only sad part is that I now have nothing to throw when I want to make a point (aka have a tantrum!)
More soon, Love Adam xxx
Adam Brock
Adam in full swing
Thursday, December 4, 2008
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This is my brother
Caleb unplugged!
Great Work Adam! - although do you realise you now have no excuse for ignoring the fine wisdom and discipline of your good parents! Your little friend here at home with us hears just fine as far as we know but is able to block out certain bits of speech she doesn't care for with great ease -perhaps it's a child thing?
Love to all
Great news, Adam! We were so glad to hear that. I'm sure your parents will be happy to pick up things other than hearing aids that you might decide to throw during a good tantrum - at least for a while.
You know, uncle Andy, I seem to be able to do the same thing. Even when mom shouts right next to me, I can appear as unfazed as ever. Hmmm...people are on to us, uh oh!
Awesome! We are proud of you Adam for being so brave. We can't wait to see you. Hopefully sometime soon! We need to make sure Ainsley knows you and your family.
We love you,
Andy, Amy and Ainsley
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