Well, mom WAS going to go to bed early, until I got her up at 11:10 pm when I started coughing, after the neighbor played "name that tune" with her hammer until 10:30pm! SO, we might as well tell you about our day until I go back to sleep...
Today my friends at Hillandale sent me off with a grand morning's activities. It mainly involved taking me to my favorite activities and taking pictures of me and my classmates and teachers, which they then made into a card to give to mom. Mom got a little teary when she saw the card-SO embarrassing!! It's a great card, and a great way to remember such a fun group of people. I will be sad not to go back, and not to see my friends Ramona and Michael on the bus in the morning, but I'll get to meet new people and have new friends soon enough. Tomorrow I start at Merrick Moore, and my "bus" for a while will be mom and brother. Wish me luck--these new people will make me work!!
I said morning's activities because mom picked me up at 12noon for a doctor's appointment with my general doctor. I like him a lot--but that doesn't mean I didn't make him work! I don't know what it is about doctor's offices that makes me want to go crazy--so much tissue paper to pull and tear up, so many chairs to tip, trash cans (bins) to knock over, doors to open, lights to turn off...you get the picture. Anyway, mom had her hands full, but it seemed like a good meeting.
They talked about how I'm doing and what things might happen, like the whole sleep thing I told you about--he thinks it's a good idea, and that taking out adenoids is not such a big deal as tonsils. Mom was glad to hear that! He also said the doctors I'm going to are not "mavericks" (to use a big word I keep hearing lately from some funny lady on TV) and they don't do this thing lightly.
They also talked about my nose and cough and decided to leave things alone for now. Mom may be wishing after tonight that she had given me antibiotics, but I'M not sad to not have to take more medicine yet!
Looks like we might have a little ice cream and go to bed, so goodnight!
More soon, love Adam.
Adam Brock
Adam in full swing
Monday, October 13, 2008
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