Well, it's been a good week at kindergarten, a nice Friday and a nice birthday--a triple whammy in my book!
Mom and Caleb came to meet me at school today to bring cupcakes for my birthday, and she had a great time with my class (she said I could speak for her). She said the class is great, very warm and loving, even with many of us only knowing each other for a week. The other kids are funny, they make me laugh and take care of me. They watch when I might go out the door and don't step on me when I take my naps.
I was sleeping with my "best friend" Graham when mom came in. He's in second grade and much taller than me but he likes me a lot. We spend lots of time together. Mom's helped me put in a picture of us. Now don't think it's all like this at school, we do lots of work too...there's a boy with Down Syndrome in my class named Elliot who can say all his colors in Spanish--wow! I'm going to learn the letters in my name by the end of the year, that is one thing my teacher Ms Mills is hoping to teach me. I'll put a picture of her in too, singing with me.
The class sang Happy Birthday to me (since I'm five today) and we all had cupcakes. I got to go around and give everyone high 5's, and even graced them with one of my special dances (top picture), it was very fun. We all went out to the bus early, and played for a while in the grass. Mom really seems happy with my class, and talked lots to the teachers. They asked more questions about my signing, and mom taught them some more of my Makaton signs to use. They all said I'm doing real well and had a lot of fun the past two days. They even heard me laugh and liked it!
I am five now, but as I'm finding it doesn't mean I stay up any later at night. So goodnight, sleep well and more later. Love, Adam.
p.s. thank you for the gifts...I've had fun listening to music and playing with lights and sounds and sorting shapes all evening!