Adam Brock

Adam Brock
Adam in full swing

Friday, August 29, 2008


Well, it's been a good week at kindergarten, a nice Friday and a nice birthday--a triple whammy in my book!

Mom and Caleb came to meet me at school today to bring cupcakes for my birthday, and she had a great time with my class (she said I could speak for her). She said the class is great, very warm and loving, even with many of us only knowing each other for a week. The other kids are funny, they make me laugh and take care of me. They watch when I might go out the door and don't step on me when I take my naps.

I was sleeping with my "best friend" Graham when mom came in. He's in second grade and much taller than me but he likes me a lot. We spend lots of time together. Mom's helped me put in a picture of us. Now don't think it's all like this at school, we do lots of work too...there's a boy with Down Syndrome in my class named Elliot who can say all his colors in Spanish--wow! I'm going to learn the letters in my name by the end of the year, that is one thing my teacher Ms Mills is hoping to teach me. I'll put a picture of her in too, singing with me.

The class sang Happy Birthday to me (since I'm five today) and we all had cupcakes. I got to go around and give everyone high 5's, and even graced them with one of my special dances (top picture), it was very fun. We all went out to the bus early, and played for a while in the grass. Mom really seems happy with my class, and talked lots to the teachers. They asked more questions about my signing, and mom taught them some more of my Makaton signs to use. They all said I'm doing real well and had a lot of fun the past two days. They even heard me laugh and liked it!

I am five now, but as I'm finding it doesn't mean I stay up any later at night. So goodnight, sleep well and more later. Love, Adam.

p.s. thank you for the gifts...I've had fun listening to music and playing with lights and sounds and sorting shapes all evening!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A note from kindergarten

Hi everyone!

I had my first day at kindergarten yesterday, and it was good. Let me quote to you what my teachers said about me in the book they send home to mom: "Adam had a very good first day. He came in quietly, followed directions, participated well, was shy at introductions (who could blame me??), ate most of his lunch, (at) recess ran around exploring, napped for 30+ minutes, cried near end of day at 3pm." Now, was that a good first day for me or what?? I can't really explain the crying, it just happens, you know? And really, all those people who think boys don't cry, well they're wrong, we do.

Today was my second day, and it also went well. My teachers said I did my morning work well, ate most of my lunch and slept for a bit again. I'm beginning to like this routine, I tell you! The only hiccup was on the bus coming home, when it broke down and they had to put us all on other buses and I didn't get home until 5! Mom was a little worried, but otherwise just WET--it was raining hard and she and Caleb were out from 3:30 until 5 in it, yikes! Luckily they had the neighbours across the street to keep them company. Everyone was real happy to see me again.

Mom said I was a good boy all evening, and happy. We had a good dinner of chicken and spaghetti and now I'm going to bed. More later, Love Adam.
p.s. don't I look handsome in my shirt??!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another weekend

Well, for a family that has just moved we sure do keep moving!! This weekend we had lots of fun, I'll tell you the highlights since I have to go to bed and get my beauty rest for tomorrow (starting kindergarten, yea!!)

Saturday morning we hung out with our neighbours across the street for a bit, Michael and Anne and their kids Lars and Siri (5 and 3). They are very nice--Lars and Siri like to ride cars/bikes/scooters/tricycles like Caleb and I do, and they have a great backyard. Michael stays home and Anne works, but we all had a "street pow-wow" for a little while. Then mom took us to a country orchard to pick blueberries. I'll try to put a picture up so you can see all four pounds of our berries. Mom and Dad picked them, Caleb helped to eat them, and I just spent the time throwing a tin container into one of the trees! It made a great sound, much better than doing any actual work! When we got home my teacher called to make final arrangements for Monday. That made mom feel better...I think I'm really going to like this new school, but I'll tell you more after I go there a few days!

That afternoon we went to a BBQ party at the house of a mom who my mom met at the park. Her husband just passed his viva, so he was pretty happy, and there were lots of people and kids there. This couple has twin boys about the same age as my brother, so I can tell you there was a lot of action (including fists flying!), not to mention me trying to knock the iced tea jugs off the table every five minutes. I think Dad was not too sad to leave that party!

This morning we went to Trinity United Methodist Church where Amy Laura Hall and her family go. I really liked the nursery--a woman named Kathy Russell runs it, and she knows just how to handle kids like me because she is a special needs teacher. I realised pretty quick I couldn't get one over on her, so we got along fine. A woman named Olive preached, I think mom and dad liked her a lot.
This afternoon we went to the new Divinity students' BBQ and met some more people, this time people Dad will be working with. It was great fun, since brother and I got to play on a fantastic playground the whole time and it didn't rain. Mom and Dad said the BBQ was pretty good, though I don't remember much except the pudding at the end. Mom thinks she might have found a babysitter too--good thing we went, I say!
Well, goodnight (to my Aberdeen friends, good morning!!) More soon,
Love, Adam

Friday, August 22, 2008

The end of summer

Hi folks,

Today was Friday, which means the end of my last week as a non-Kindergartener. Mom seemed a bit sad, she kept hugging me and saying she was going to miss me. Hmmm...she's a little hard to understand sometimes, since if you know her, you'll know that she and I need our time apart, which we haven't had for a while and which has made her a little nuts. I mean that in a good way, as I know I'm a bit of work. But still, the days I'm at school will be long ones, and I understand if mom will miss my noise and my running out into the street every five minutes. Maybe I can talk brother into doing it for me??

Speaking of brother, he and I had our best day together today. He played games with me in the bath for a long time, and chased me down the street to hold my hand so mom wouldn't worry. I am kind of starting to like him!

This afternoon mom walked us over to the pool to meet dad, and we had a good swim. The lifeguard had to talk sternly to both brother and I about not running by the pool. I just glared at him, brother would hardly take a step for a while, and mom and dad giggled a bit so I know it wasn't too serious. It was pretty warm so the pool felt good, and no thunder this time. After we walked home we had a good dinner and then watched a new Baby Einstein that mom ordered. I didn't find this one so interesting (Baby Beethoven), my favourite is still Baby Da Vinci. I do like a new light and sound piano that mom got me--it plays classical music so we all danced a little before bed.

Weekend's here...have fun!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Heat, that is. Today it was about 300 degrees, or at least it felt like it! Mom said it was only 92, but I sure did think it was hot. Dad took the day off so I'll tell you about the fun we had.

First we had pancakes. I do like pancakes, especially with bananas in them. Mom puts bites on the fork and I even feed myself. Then, my brother announced he wanted to take a nap at 9:15 (which he did!) and DAD announced HE wanted to take a nap at 9:30 (which HE did!), so Mom took me to my new school to hand in the rest of my paperwork and meet my teacher.

We found my teacher and my classroom, and had a little meeting with my teacher and her assistant and the school nurse too. Boy, did I impress them!! I tore the classroom up right nice, all within the first two minutes of being there. I must say mom held her composure well, and the teachers didn't even seem to be cross when I knocked the supply caddy off the table and scattered pens, pencils, markers, scissors and erasers everywhere! I did manage to pick some of them up, and said thank you and clapped for myself each time I put something on the table. They gave me a sticker for that. I think we will have a good year if they can appreciate my good points! I do like my teacher--she seems to understand kids and has a very gentle way with me.

The teachers asked a lot of questions about me, and then we went to meet the special needs resource teachers. They were nice, and let me draw on their papers with the orange marker. I think I will like this school, and that's a good thing since it turns out I DO start on Monday after all, 8:45am-3:30pm. I'll get picked up by the Exceptional Children bus in the morning and dropped off at home again after school. My school isn't far, but mom is still pleased not to have to drive twice a day. I'm just pleased to be riding a BUS now like a big boy!

This afternoon we took Dad back to the museum and showed him our favourite parts: the dance floor, the wild animals (We saw the rattlesnake and copperheads this time, mom said she'll know what to look for now when we go to the River!), and the petting zoo. We also saw the bears and the butterfly house, though I did seem to snooze through most of the butterflies (I tell you, it was hot today!) Afterward we went to Burger King and had some food.

Now I'm going to bed, since my brother will get me up early to play. Goodnight!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The fourth weekend since our move...

Hi everyone! I haven't written in a few days, so I thought I'd catch you up on all the weekend's activities. Let's see what I remember...

Friday afternoon we went to meet dad at the pool and go swimming. Sadly, we had just gotten changed and were heading in when the first thunder rolled--that's a 30 minute ban from the pool, and I was very disappointed! My mom and dad thought we should just go rather than wait, so we went to the mall to play around in the fountains instead. We ended up going inside and "killing time" (as they say) and then getting some food and going home. It was nice.

Saturday morning we went to the pool straightaway and had the swim we missed on Friday. It's the faculty pool, so we get in free with dad's ID card. I enjoyed the swim, even though I pooped through three sets of swim pants so mom had to go to the store and get more halfway through. Oops! No thunder this time, just blue sky and 80 degrees (sorry Aberdeen friends!)

In the afternoon we went to the park nearby and had fun playing. Caleb and mom kicked the ball around, while dad and I stayed mostly on the swings (surprise, surprise!) We were pretty sweaty when we got home, I was glad for bathtime! I forgot to say that the bathtub here is full size, so brother and I can take baths together and have enough room to breathe (anyone who has seen our bathtub in Aberdeen will fully appreciate this fact!)

Today we went to the same church as last week, and it went very well if I do say so myself. No problems, except that I tried to knock the garbage can over a few times (he he!) I like to keep them on their toes, and they didn't seem to mind. The pastor made a joke about being one of only three evangelical Presbyterian ministers in the state at the last conference, which I don't get but everyone else thought it was real funny.

This afternoon we drove to another park and played again. Not much more to say--you get the picture already! I'll write more soon--I think mom and I are going back to my school again this week, so I'll tell you how that goes.

Love, Adam.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Having fun with friends at last

Hi all,

Today was a nice day, warm but not hot like it has been, and a little cloudy. I like these days--mom doesn't make us wear sun cream like when the sun is out!

We went to the Oval park in the morning and had a nice time. Mom has met a woman named Sarah there who has twin boys the same age as Caleb. That's enough two year olds for me, so I stay well away, mostly on the swings which I LOVE! I did try the slide and kind of kicked at a little girl there. Mom got cross and I didn't understand why...I was just saying hi! But she made up with me later and pushed me on the swings again, so I think it's OK.

In the afternoon we went to the Eno River state park, where we went with Dad last weekend. It was great, and pretty quiet. I did push my brother down some steps, so I got in trouble again, but overall we had a nice time. This time I did understand, but I still don't like to get in trouble!

Mom took a picture of my brother and I fighting over the juice cup. I think actually he was fighting and I was having a grand time of it!! I'll try to include the picture in this blog.

When we got home, mom got a call from a very nice man who wants to be my doctor. He was recommended to us by some people at the church we went to last weekend (Blacknall Presbyterian), and likes to work with kids like me who have Autism. He said we will have to drive 20 minutes to see him, but mom said his reputation is enough to drive for. So I will meet him next week I guess to do my kindergarten health assessment. Maybe he'll have lollipops for Caleb (or, as he calls them: rollipops)

This evening we went to dinner with some people who are involved in something called New Monasticism. Their names are Jonathan and Leah Wilson-Hartgrove, and they were very nice. There was some good food, and lots of really nice people there. I had lots of fun playing with a girl named Sarah who threw the basketball to me. We are starting to meet people here, and I can tell that makes mom happy. She took lots of pictures again, I'll try to include the best one here too.

Love, Adam.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Life and Science

Hi everyone!

We had another rain storm today, this time it was pretty light but lasted all day. I liked playing outside with brother and mom in the and I didn't have much clothes on but that didn't bother us! Nobody else was around, it was a pretty quiet morning altogether.

In the afternoon mom took Caleb and I to the Museum of Life and Science, which is only a short car drive away. Mom said it was also free because they don't charge local residents on Wednesday afternoons, so she was happy (it's pretty expensive normally). I liked it a lot, mostly because they had a big, big room with space to dance, and each time you moved it made some music. I made lots of my own music, and my brother ran around the room--mom said he was "a wild man". I think I agree!

The museum also had tons of other things like a play area for kids, a nature room with lots of local wildlife (I didn't care much for that but Caleb liked the alligators!), and a huge backyard with more animals, water play equipment, things to climb on and even a train. Mom said that we'll have to come back (next Wednesday afternoon!) to see more since I kept them moving so much. Maybe it won't be raining then and she won't be so grumpy!

I met a few nice people there, of course by patting them on the backside as I walked past...the people here are so friendly that they chat with you even if you've just hit them!! Mom liked that two of them had children with Autism, and she talked to them about what kinds of things there are here for kids like me. I don't know all of what she found out, but there appears to be something called the Arc of Durham which helps people like mom and dad get a few minutes to themselves once in a while, and also helps people with special needs in general. Guess we'll be looking into that soon...

Well, mom and dad are going to watch the Olympics, and I'm going to bed. More soon, love Adam.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I scared the school!

We had a fun day today. This morning my mom and dad and Caleb and I went to visit the school where I'll be going to kindergarten on August 25th. Mom had to fill out paperwork, so I took dad on a whirlwind tour of the school by ourselves. I had to see every nook and cranny and prefer to do things fast, but I might have been a bit fast for dad because he was pretty cranky after a while!

I met the facilitator who helps kids get settled in school while I was racing out the door and down the street in front of the school (dad in tow). She carried me in and listened while my dad told her a little more about me. I think we scared her (he he!!) since her eyes were as wide as biscuits! She doesn't know that today I was a little wound up and excited by my new surroundings, and normally I'm a calm boy who does well in the routine. But mom says it might make them give me a one-to-one person who will help me at school. That would be nice, except it won't be Gemma, my last one-to-one, and she was great. I miss Gemma!!

So the nice facilitator lady said that they have to evaluate me and see if I fit into their "eligibility criteria" for the developmental needs classroom. That's where mom said I'll be, with 10 or so other kids who have this "eligibility criteria". That seems to mean they figure out how I'm not like othe kids and call it developmentally delayed or intellectually deficit...Whew!! Those are big words for me, I think I'll leave it to them. They'll decide based on the evaluation and the big word they give me what kind of therapies they will include in my weekly routine. Sounds good--I just hope they include some music, as that really calms me down and makes me happy!

This afternoon we went to the store with mom and then to the park. I guess I better do all that now as much as I can, since mom said I'll be coming home from school at 3:30 during the year, yikes!

That's all for now---more, Adam.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday was a bright day yesterday...

We had a nice day yesterday, though it started out with a bang! We were all eating breakfast when a big thunderstorm moved in and it rained lots. We sat out on the porch and watched it for a while, then we ate breakfast and got ready for church. By the time we left it had stopped.

We visited our first church in Durham, called Blacknall Presbyterian. It was pretty nice, at least the children's area was since I didn't see much of the rest of it! I liked the people who took care of my brother and I, and the other kids who were there. They sang to me and helped me when brother hit me on the head with a plane. OK, it was an accident, but I did feel better when they sent mom in!

Mom and Dad said the service was nice, and they met quite a few new people. They think we'll probably go there again, and I guess that means me and Caleb too. In the afternoon we met more new people, a man and woman named Alan and Michelle, who were pretty cool. It was their son Mikael who I really liked--he let me tap his face and didn't get mad at me!! We went to their pool club to swim, and it had a big slide too. It would have been great except mom forgot the swim nappies (pants) and I had to wear my diaper. Mom said it held out for two or three gallons then busted all the insides out by the side of the pool, and that was that.

Afterwards we went to their house and had pizza which I really enjoyed. I know mom and dad had a good time because they talked lots to the other grownups and not much to us!!

Today was a park in the morning and another in the afternoon. It's a rough life, I can tell ya! The weather was a bit cooler, only upper 80's mom said, which was nice for a change. I do need to remember that the ground gets really hot in the afternoon, though, and when I go barefoot I can get myself in all sorts of trouble!

That's all for now...more soon.
Love, Adam

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Well, this is it: we're officially ON OUR OWN in Durham now. Papa Texas left yesterday, and mom and dad and my brother and I have had a little fun exploring our new home since then.

Yesterday we went to the faculty pool with my dad's colleague Amy Laura and her daughter. There isn't a shallow end at this pool, so my brother and I jumped to mom and dad the whole time. It was a good time, even though my mom got a little cross when I jumped on the back of her head one time when she wasn't looking! We stayed there till dinner, and got food from the store to take home and eat. I was hungry!!

Today we checked out the new park that just opened by our house. It's great, has lots of swings and lots of people. I took a man's hat and tried it on, but decided to take it back to him, it was too big! Then after naps we went to a place called Few's ford in the Eno river state park. It was great--lots of rocks and a shallow creek to walk around in. I saw fish and dragonflies and even a snake! Don't worry, my mom said it wasn't the kind that eats little boys!

Well, that's all for now. I'll check in when there's more to tell.
Love, Adam

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What NOT to do

Hi again, I'm back. I told you before that I have Down Syndrome...that really just means that I'm a little slow to develop and need extra help to learn. It also means that my immune system is a little different, a little less strong, than other people's.

Well, my mom and I learned something this week about that whole immune system thing...we learned that if you have a hangnail on your big toe, or like me if you had one on each big toe, you don't EVER pull it off. Because my mom did and my toes got infected! I'll spare you the details, but it wasn't nice, and after a few days mom decided to take me to see the doctor. We had to go to something called an Urgent Care since we don't have a regular doctor yet. Oh, and because we still don't have something called insurance we had to pay for it ourselves. At least mom paid for it, and I got the sticker. I gave the tattoos to my brother. Mom says I have "hundred dollar toes" now. Wonder what she means by that??

Now I have to take antibiotics for two weeks and take salt baths for a while. My brother has to take them too since we share baths, but he doesn't seem to mind. Apparently it's good for you! It must be, because my toes are getting better already.

Anyway, we're getting to know our new home now, and mom got me all registered for school today. I'm officially a "kindergartener" now, and will go meet my teachers next week sometime. I even get to go on the bus to and from school--that makes me happy!

Well, that's all for now. We'll probably walk to the nice park nearby this afternoon. My dad is at work getting "sorted out", whatever that means, but my grandpa Texas is here so it's still fun. I like him, he claps for me and lets me play my music early in the morning.

I'll see you soon! Love, Adam.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The move

Hi everyone!

Some of you may know I've just moved with my family to Durham, North Carolina, USA. We lived in Aberdeen, Scotland for the last four years, but my dad is going to work at Duke University for a year so we've come here to live. So far I like it, even though it is HOT!! By hot I mean in the upper 90's, which my friends in Aberdeen will be jealous of! I do miss my friends, so if you are reading this...HI!!!

My family is just four, my mom Stephanie, my dad Brian and my little brother Caleb who is two. He loves me, even though he likes to fight with me a lot. OK, sometimes I do ask for it! :)

The main thing to tell you about myself is that I'm almost five and I have Down Syndrome. I am also on the Autistic spectrum. I'll tell you more about that sometime. I'm excited to get to know my other friends here who have DS, and to see what my school is like. I start kindergarten at the end of August. My mom has been doing lots to get me registered and get insurance, whatever that is. I'm sure we'll tell you about that too.

Well, that's all for now. I'll write more soon, maybe when I get up from my nap!

This is my brother

This is my brother
Caleb unplugged!