Hi all,
Well, this is it: tomorrow I start school here in Aberdeen. I'll be in P-1, which is pretty much the same as 1st grade. I'm excited! I met my teacher and assistants on Friday. They got a pretty good dose of me, as I managed to climb on all the tables, find the (off-limits) closet door and open it, turn over a book case of puzzles and throw my banana into the cup of juice closest to me (not my juice, either!). Whew! And the whole class took it all with a smile and a laugh, which bodes well for me this year.
So the summer ended up with a fun two weeks of playscheme with the kids in our community, and a week with mom just doing normal stuff. We've gone to the beach, to lots of parks, to Burger King for a special treat, and to the doctor for our preschool boosters, of course. I have to say, brother cried more than I did! ;)
Caleb starts nursery tomorrow too...Mom keeps talking about being a "free woman" again, whatever that means. But it must be good because she's smiling when she says it!
That's all for now. I'm sorry it's so short, but a boy's gotta play and not sit on the computer all day. I'll let you know how my first week at school goes.
Bye for now,
Adam xx
Adam Brock
Adam in full swing
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Summertime in the 'hood
Hi All,
Sorry I haven't written more...mom & dad have kept Caleb and I busy these past two weeks since coming home to Aberdeen! We've been travelling around to lots of parks, playgrounds, coffee shops, regular shops, and pubs. It's been a good time getting to know Aberdeen again, and we've really enjoyed having Dad around. Sadly, he has to go back to work tomorrow, but now that Brother and I know the way to his office, we can go surprise him and take HIM out when it's nice.
We now have a new washing machine, and mom has been doing load upon load all day. Which is good as it keeps raining and brother and I love to play in the rain! We have these cool Wellie boots to wear and splash in the puddles with, only when the puddle gets too deep then the water still goes inside the boot. You should have seen the amount that came out of brother's boot the other day--gallons!!
The other really cool thing is that we're getting to know our neighbours again, better than before. Not only Peter and his mum Grace below us, but the kids who play on the playground and who go to the community church behind our flat. They are really nice, and they are patient with me on the playground, they don't get mad even when I push!! Mom is happy to have friends to talk to, and Dad is happy about the church investing in the local area. I also like the biscuits they have--is that too cheeky to say?
Well, that's all for now. I'm bushed--busy day of playing behind me, another one ahead of me. More soon, love Adam xx
Sorry I haven't written more...mom & dad have kept Caleb and I busy these past two weeks since coming home to Aberdeen! We've been travelling around to lots of parks, playgrounds, coffee shops, regular shops, and pubs. It's been a good time getting to know Aberdeen again, and we've really enjoyed having Dad around. Sadly, he has to go back to work tomorrow, but now that Brother and I know the way to his office, we can go surprise him and take HIM out when it's nice.
We now have a new washing machine, and mom has been doing load upon load all day. Which is good as it keeps raining and brother and I love to play in the rain! We have these cool Wellie boots to wear and splash in the puddles with, only when the puddle gets too deep then the water still goes inside the boot. You should have seen the amount that came out of brother's boot the other day--gallons!!
The other really cool thing is that we're getting to know our neighbours again, better than before. Not only Peter and his mum Grace below us, but the kids who play on the playground and who go to the community church behind our flat. They are really nice, and they are patient with me on the playground, they don't get mad even when I push!! Mom is happy to have friends to talk to, and Dad is happy about the church investing in the local area. I also like the biscuits they have--is that too cheeky to say?
Well, that's all for now. I'm bushed--busy day of playing behind me, another one ahead of me. More soon, love Adam xx
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Same year, different place!
Hi All,
Well, we're back in the saddle again--I'm now writing to you from our home in Aberdeen, where we arrived in full force on July 14, 2009. We were sad to leave Durham and the sun, our friends, the rolypops, my summer school, the Eno river, Blacknall Presbyterian, our families (who so graciously came to help us pack and get to the airport), and my shoes, which we left in Rockwood park when I had a nappy explosion two hours before our flight took off!
It was a good year in Durham, full of great memories and experiences. Top of the list, of course, is having perfect hearing for the first time in my life, courtesy of Dr. Hulka, my ENT. Mom says she may make an entry herself sometime to complete my list, or start a blog of her own. We'll see about that...in the meantime, let me give you a rundown of our first week back in Aberdeen:
First off, we got to spend time with Andrew Cameron, our friend from Sydney, who came to see us and cooked us our first meal back in the UK (chicken stir fry). It was fun playing on the playgrounds with Mr. Andrew, and going to see a distillery--even though we didn't get in (that's where the picture is from). Then he left and mom and dad spent the weekend buying stuff. They got new phones, and talk to each other even when they don't need to, silly grown-ups! They also got a new car--it's a Citroen Xsara, but we like to call her "Zsa Zsa". I sit up higher than our old car, and I can see out the window really well. We went for a drive yesterday to celebrate, and had apple crumble at our favourite garden centre in Raemoir (well, I had apple crumble. I seem to have eaten most of it, but I was hungry!) Now mom says the washer is broken, so I guess we'll be going to get another one of those. She says she has lots of laundry to do--I wonder if I'm helping by taking off all my clothes every 5 minutes and weeing all over the floor? Hey, everyone has phases...
We've had a bit of rain, a bit of sun, some walks around the university and town, and lots of coffees. I guess we're off to a great start!
More soon--love to all,
p.s. THANK YOU to all our family who helped us so much in those last days--Oma and Opa, Papa and Oma from Texas, auntie Lou and cousins Kristin and Reid. We love you all!
Well, we're back in the saddle again--I'm now writing to you from our home in Aberdeen, where we arrived in full force on July 14, 2009. We were sad to leave Durham and the sun, our friends, the rolypops, my summer school, the Eno river, Blacknall Presbyterian, our families (who so graciously came to help us pack and get to the airport), and my shoes, which we left in Rockwood park when I had a nappy explosion two hours before our flight took off!
It was a good year in Durham, full of great memories and experiences. Top of the list, of course, is having perfect hearing for the first time in my life, courtesy of Dr. Hulka, my ENT. Mom says she may make an entry herself sometime to complete my list, or start a blog of her own. We'll see about that...in the meantime, let me give you a rundown of our first week back in Aberdeen:
First off, we got to spend time with Andrew Cameron, our friend from Sydney, who came to see us and cooked us our first meal back in the UK (chicken stir fry). It was fun playing on the playgrounds with Mr. Andrew, and going to see a distillery--even though we didn't get in (that's where the picture is from). Then he left and mom and dad spent the weekend buying stuff. They got new phones, and talk to each other even when they don't need to, silly grown-ups! They also got a new car--it's a Citroen Xsara, but we like to call her "Zsa Zsa". I sit up higher than our old car, and I can see out the window really well. We went for a drive yesterday to celebrate, and had apple crumble at our favourite garden centre in Raemoir (well, I had apple crumble. I seem to have eaten most of it, but I was hungry!) Now mom says the washer is broken, so I guess we'll be going to get another one of those. She says she has lots of laundry to do--I wonder if I'm helping by taking off all my clothes every 5 minutes and weeing all over the floor? Hey, everyone has phases...
We've had a bit of rain, a bit of sun, some walks around the university and town, and lots of coffees. I guess we're off to a great start!
More soon--love to all,
p.s. THANK YOU to all our family who helped us so much in those last days--Oma and Opa, Papa and Oma from Texas, auntie Lou and cousins Kristin and Reid. We love you all!
Andrew C,
ARC of Durham,
Sunday, June 28, 2009
June update
Hi all.
We are now on the countdown to the end of our year in Durham. In two weeks we will head back to Aberdeen, and I for one will be somewhat glad to escape the 95 degree heat and mosquitoes! Mom's running around like the proverbial chicken, but she's still managing to take brother and me to the river and Roly-pops. I also have a school program for these three weeks that helps me to stay occupied while mom does her errands, so it's working out well.
I finished my kindergarten program in June and Dad and Oma came to the party. It was fun--they took a picture of me with my certificate as you can see. I will miss my friend Hunter. He showed me all kinds of neat stuff like how to lay on my back with my hands behind my head and bang my feet against the wall. Mom loved that one.
The next day I finished my music therapy with Miss Erika, and Dad and Oma came to that too. I had a great time with Miss Erika, and learned to follow directions, play music, and say "stop" and "I want...X" with my signs. I hope to do more music in Aberdeen. Dad says my rhythm is really good, especially when I'm clapping to the Black Keys (Dad plays it LOUD for me in the car. Should I tell him I'm not deaf anymore?)
The reason Dad and Oma went with me is that Mom and Caleb were in California with my other Oma and Opa and my Great-Granny Argabright (GG), and my cousins Micah and Kaitlyn. Mom said GG died while she was there, on June 9. I'm sad that she's gone, but I know she's happier now. Mom and brother had trouble getting back, but they made it with new tickets a day late (thanks Oma and Opa!).
Then, the next day we went to the Farm with the whole Brock/Black/Seneff clan for the week. I really liked being with all my cousins and swimming at the pool lots. Brother and I learned to float using water wings, which was fun. I jumped in from the side and even went under water. All the boys got "Mo-hawks" for fun, and brother and I joined in. We called ours the "Bro-hawks". Mom thought that was funny. I got to ride on the 4-wheeler with dad a lot, and mom even learned how to drive it. We had a great week.
Now, as I said, we're back and getting ready for our big trip. One extra detail is my passport, which mom forgot to renew. So we are going to Washington D.C. this week to get that done. I hope I don't have to miss school for it, but Miss Jen will understand.
That's all for now. See you soon!
Adam xx
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The end is beginning...
Since I last wrote, summer has hit. We've had a couple of days already that were 95, and brother and I run around most of the time without shoes or shirts. It's great, and even better when the odd thunderstorm moves in and cools things off (temporarily). Mom says we're going to freeze when we get back to Aberdeen, but for now we're soaking up the sun.
Speaking of Aberdeen, it's coming soon. Our departure date is July 13, and that's not far away, not that we are not packing in plenty of activity between now and then. Mom and brother are in California right now, visiting Great Granny A and having fun with cousins Micah and Kaitlyn. Great Granny A is very sick and in the hospital, so I am glad that they are there. I've talked to mom a couple of times on the phone, but I've been having so much fun with dad running around the mall (it's been a bit rainy) that I don't have much to say. We'll see them again on Thursday, but not until we've said hello again to Oma and Pappa-Opa from TX this week. Then we all get to drive to Asheville and see the whole of the Brock-Black-Seneff clan at "The Farm".
It's also my last week of kindergarten this week. I'll be sad to say goodbye to all my friends and my teachers, who have been so good to me and taught me a lot. One of the things my friends have taught me is to lie on my back with my hands under my head and bang my feet on the wall...so much fun. Mom is glad they taught me that too. When I go back to Aberdeen, I'll start P-1, the equivalent to 1st grade. That will be a big jump, but I feel ready now (and so does mom!)
In the meantime, all are healthy and happy, and enjoyed a good visit with friends Andy, Amy and Ainsley Odle last week. It was nice to see their shining faces and hang out a bit before they had to head back to Atlanta. Thanks for visiting guys--see you again soon I hope!!
That's all for now. If I don't write again for a while, assume I'm at the park (half-naked!)!
Love, Adam xx
Speaking of Aberdeen, it's coming soon. Our departure date is July 13, and that's not far away, not that we are not packing in plenty of activity between now and then. Mom and brother are in California right now, visiting Great Granny A and having fun with cousins Micah and Kaitlyn. Great Granny A is very sick and in the hospital, so I am glad that they are there. I've talked to mom a couple of times on the phone, but I've been having so much fun with dad running around the mall (it's been a bit rainy) that I don't have much to say. We'll see them again on Thursday, but not until we've said hello again to Oma and Pappa-Opa from TX this week. Then we all get to drive to Asheville and see the whole of the Brock-Black-Seneff clan at "The Farm".
It's also my last week of kindergarten this week. I'll be sad to say goodbye to all my friends and my teachers, who have been so good to me and taught me a lot. One of the things my friends have taught me is to lie on my back with my hands under my head and bang my feet on the wall...so much fun. Mom is glad they taught me that too. When I go back to Aberdeen, I'll start P-1, the equivalent to 1st grade. That will be a big jump, but I feel ready now (and so does mom!)
In the meantime, all are healthy and happy, and enjoyed a good visit with friends Andy, Amy and Ainsley Odle last week. It was nice to see their shining faces and hang out a bit before they had to head back to Atlanta. Thanks for visiting guys--see you again soon I hope!!
That's all for now. If I don't write again for a while, assume I'm at the park (half-naked!)!
Love, Adam xx
Thursday, May 14, 2009
May update
Hello again! It's almost the middle of May and time for a quick entry...
We've had a few weeks now of no-jacket weather, with only the occasional (read: two) days of "Aberdeen weather". That means overcast and chilly. Mom gets a little snippy on those days, I think she's not looking forward to giving up all this sun when we go back! Brother and I love running around outside with no shoes or socks, sometimes no shirts. Rarely no pants, though Brother has his off more often than not now as Mom is trying to get him potty trained. I might add that to my in-expert eyes it is not going so well. Judging by the poop stain on the outside mat. And the puddle on the kitchen floor. Twice. In one day. Oh well, as she frequently reminds me (and then sighs and puts her head down): Your day will come, Adam.
Otherwise all is well here. The river is hopping, the parks are full, there are tornadoes and thunderstorms brewing here and there, and we remain happy and thriving in their midst. Music therapy is going well, though I put Miss Erika through her paces today! My teacher Ms. Schadow was gone today, so I was a little out of sorts. Tomorrow is the Special Olympics dance, and mom and Caleb and Miss Amy and Willem are coming so that should be fun. I'll get her to take a picture and post it so you can see me in my gear. I know you'll be waiting!
That's all for now. Brother is crying so I should probably go give him a hug. (don't worry, he's fine)
Love, Adam xx
We've had a few weeks now of no-jacket weather, with only the occasional (read: two) days of "Aberdeen weather". That means overcast and chilly. Mom gets a little snippy on those days, I think she's not looking forward to giving up all this sun when we go back! Brother and I love running around outside with no shoes or socks, sometimes no shirts. Rarely no pants, though Brother has his off more often than not now as Mom is trying to get him potty trained. I might add that to my in-expert eyes it is not going so well. Judging by the poop stain on the outside mat. And the puddle on the kitchen floor. Twice. In one day. Oh well, as she frequently reminds me (and then sighs and puts her head down): Your day will come, Adam.
Otherwise all is well here. The river is hopping, the parks are full, there are tornadoes and thunderstorms brewing here and there, and we remain happy and thriving in their midst. Music therapy is going well, though I put Miss Erika through her paces today! My teacher Ms. Schadow was gone today, so I was a little out of sorts. Tomorrow is the Special Olympics dance, and mom and Caleb and Miss Amy and Willem are coming so that should be fun. I'll get her to take a picture and post it so you can see me in my gear. I know you'll be waiting!
That's all for now. Brother is crying so I should probably go give him a hug. (don't worry, he's fine)
Love, Adam xx
music therapy,
potty training,
Special Olympics,
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Here are a few of my recent facts and figures from this week:
Number of times I participated in a Special Olympics Track & Field meet: 1.
Number of times I have run down the street away from mom who was chasing me: 10, 000.
Number of times I have gone to the park: 6.
Number of "rolly pops" I have eaten: 2.
Number of times I have removed my shoes: 42.
Numer of times I have removed my shirt after removing my shoes: 41.
Number of times I have removed these articles of clothing at the top of the twisty slide and thrown them down, only to retrieve them and take them to the top again: 32.
Number of times I have slammed the door to the kitchen when coming inside: 27.
Number of times I have watched the Cars movie (or parts thereof): 8.
Number of times I have taken my vitamins: 1.
Number of times Dad has thrown me and brother on the couch/bed: I lost count.
Number of times I have given mom a huge smile and kiss: she lost count.
Number of times I have made mom mad enough to shout: she says 10, I say 1, but I refer you to the kisses and smiles one in case you believe her.
Number of good, healthy days I have had this week: 7.
Number of times I participated in a Special Olympics Track & Field meet: 1.
Number of times I have run down the street away from mom who was chasing me: 10, 000.
Number of times I have gone to the park: 6.
Number of "rolly pops" I have eaten: 2.
Number of times I have removed my shoes: 42.
Numer of times I have removed my shirt after removing my shoes: 41.
Number of times I have removed these articles of clothing at the top of the twisty slide and thrown them down, only to retrieve them and take them to the top again: 32.
Number of times I have slammed the door to the kitchen when coming inside: 27.
Number of times I have watched the Cars movie (or parts thereof): 8.
Number of times I have taken my vitamins: 1.
Number of times Dad has thrown me and brother on the couch/bed: I lost count.
Number of times I have given mom a huge smile and kiss: she lost count.
Number of times I have made mom mad enough to shout: she says 10, I say 1, but I refer you to the kisses and smiles one in case you believe her.
Number of good, healthy days I have had this week: 7.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Good Easter, Happy Friday
Hi all.
We went to a great service on Thursday night at church with a lot of loud singers. I really enjoyed listening to the music, and I was much better behaved than brother, I might add. Mom just informed me that service was for Maundy Thursday, and yesterday was Good Friday, and tomorrow is Easter. So since we're in the middle I thought I would wish you whatever is appropriate for this in-between day.
We've had lots of visitors this last month: Auntie Lou and Uncle Jim came for a week, which was fun. "Uncle" Bernd came too, though mostly to see Daddy since we didn't see him much. I think they did a lot of work together on a commentary or something. Now Oma and Opa are here from California for the week, and we're all going to the beach tomorrow for three days! I would be real excited except it's supposed to be poopy weather. Oh well...can't have everything, eh?
The other new thing of the last few weeks is that I'm going to music therapy, which I really like. My friend Erika lets me play all her instruments, and we sing and dance around the room. Oh, and I'm supposed to be learning how to follow verbal instructions, like "stop". Mom says that's her favorite part, but I think she might be being sneaky with me. Anyway, it's fun and I get to do it until the end of the school year. I'll let you know when I become a virtuoso.
Anyway, happy almost Easter. I'll be back soon.
love, Adam x
We went to a great service on Thursday night at church with a lot of loud singers. I really enjoyed listening to the music, and I was much better behaved than brother, I might add. Mom just informed me that service was for Maundy Thursday, and yesterday was Good Friday, and tomorrow is Easter. So since we're in the middle I thought I would wish you whatever is appropriate for this in-between day.
We've had lots of visitors this last month: Auntie Lou and Uncle Jim came for a week, which was fun. "Uncle" Bernd came too, though mostly to see Daddy since we didn't see him much. I think they did a lot of work together on a commentary or something. Now Oma and Opa are here from California for the week, and we're all going to the beach tomorrow for three days! I would be real excited except it's supposed to be poopy weather. Oh well...can't have everything, eh?
The other new thing of the last few weeks is that I'm going to music therapy, which I really like. My friend Erika lets me play all her instruments, and we sing and dance around the room. Oh, and I'm supposed to be learning how to follow verbal instructions, like "stop". Mom says that's her favorite part, but I think she might be being sneaky with me. Anyway, it's fun and I get to do it until the end of the school year. I'll let you know when I become a virtuoso.
Anyway, happy almost Easter. I'll be back soon.
love, Adam x
Friday, March 13, 2009
fun times in the am
Rain is back and I just blew oatmeal in mom's hair with a sneeze. Dad is off gallavanting this weekend so it's just the little boys and the big Lady.
It's going to be a good weekend.
Love, Adam xx
It's going to be a good weekend.
Love, Adam xx
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I got the ears, now for the voice
Hi all,
Now that my ears have been pronounced 100% healthy, we've decided to put them to use and get to work on my speaking. To that end, mom took me to see a spech therapist today to talk about what we might need to do. Oh Boy.
Everything was fine when she picked me up from school. I was in my adaptive PE class, running around in circles with my classmates and stamping my feet when asked. I got a stamp on my hand at the end, and then mom and I headed to the car. I know the building well where the ST has her office, so I went and sat in my favorite seat. And then laid down on the ground because I was tired.
When the ST called us in, I went in nice to her office, and after a few minutes I asked mom for something to eat. Just so they know I CAN speak. Mom gave me a granola bar, and when I finished I laid on the floor again, and may have tapped my feet once or twice against the ST's door. Or a few times, I forget. Oh, and I may have knocked over a chair. Twice. But I did pick it back up again. Once.
The kicker was when I pulled some books off the ST's shelf, and when mom gave me THAT look and asked me to pick them up and put them back, well I leaned over and started to do it. Then I lost the granola bar. All over the books. Mom's eyes bugged out of her head, a look that I know a little too well. We got out of there in a hurry, though mom says she did get some good tips for how to help me speak before we left.
Oh, and we counted: I now have 17 words that I can say. Sorry is not one of them. Yet.
That's all for now. Tomorrow is music therapy . He he he!
Love, Adam
p.s. My good buddy Andy D. just became a doctor today. Way to go Andy!! Good boy, as mom would say! :)
Now that my ears have been pronounced 100% healthy, we've decided to put them to use and get to work on my speaking. To that end, mom took me to see a spech therapist today to talk about what we might need to do. Oh Boy.
Everything was fine when she picked me up from school. I was in my adaptive PE class, running around in circles with my classmates and stamping my feet when asked. I got a stamp on my hand at the end, and then mom and I headed to the car. I know the building well where the ST has her office, so I went and sat in my favorite seat. And then laid down on the ground because I was tired.
When the ST called us in, I went in nice to her office, and after a few minutes I asked mom for something to eat. Just so they know I CAN speak. Mom gave me a granola bar, and when I finished I laid on the floor again, and may have tapped my feet once or twice against the ST's door. Or a few times, I forget. Oh, and I may have knocked over a chair. Twice. But I did pick it back up again. Once.
The kicker was when I pulled some books off the ST's shelf, and when mom gave me THAT look and asked me to pick them up and put them back, well I leaned over and started to do it. Then I lost the granola bar. All over the books. Mom's eyes bugged out of her head, a look that I know a little too well. We got out of there in a hurry, though mom says she did get some good tips for how to help me speak before we left.
Oh, and we counted: I now have 17 words that I can say. Sorry is not one of them. Yet.
That's all for now. Tomorrow is music therapy . He he he!
Love, Adam
p.s. My good buddy Andy D. just became a doctor today. Way to go Andy!! Good boy, as mom would say! :)
Hear, hear!!
Well, we've had some good news this week: I passed my hearing test without hearing aids. The REAL test, with big people doing it and all. No bone conductors, no computers, just my own ears.
I responded at the normal levels--which for those of you who don't do this every 3 months of your life, is 20-25 decibels--for three out of the four frequencies that are most concerned with speech. That is really what they worry about, so they don't even test the highest ones. The only reason I did not pass the fourth is that I lost interest. Hey, this is not new to me--the noise comes on, I look, the penguin dances...I've seen it and done it all before.
Always before I would "pass" at between 60-70 decibels, which meant that the noise had to be rocking the walls before I would turn. You should have SEEN Mom nearly fall out of her seat when I turned all nonchalant-like to the softest noise of all. It was classic. Her jaw nearly hit the floor! You know, I do like to actually make her happy once in a while! :)
Well, that's it. The warm weather might have helped my ears clear up good and nice for the test. Unfortunately, mom says it's going to rain for four days starting tomorrow. Oh well.
Love, Adam xx
I responded at the normal levels--which for those of you who don't do this every 3 months of your life, is 20-25 decibels--for three out of the four frequencies that are most concerned with speech. That is really what they worry about, so they don't even test the highest ones. The only reason I did not pass the fourth is that I lost interest. Hey, this is not new to me--the noise comes on, I look, the penguin dances...I've seen it and done it all before.
Always before I would "pass" at between 60-70 decibels, which meant that the noise had to be rocking the walls before I would turn. You should have SEEN Mom nearly fall out of her seat when I turned all nonchalant-like to the softest noise of all. It was classic. Her jaw nearly hit the floor! You know, I do like to actually make her happy once in a while! :)
Well, that's it. The warm weather might have helped my ears clear up good and nice for the test. Unfortunately, mom says it's going to rain for four days starting tomorrow. Oh well.
Love, Adam xx
Friday, February 27, 2009
The Specials at work
I got a ribbon today. It's green, and has some gold letters on the front that say:
Special Olympics
I'm real proud of this ribbon, and so are mom and dad. I got it from taking part in the Special Olympics basketball tournament for Durham county. Well, to be honest, I really earned the "participant" status because our class mainly watched and cheered. Then we went down to the small gym and had our skills session with students from Riverside High school, which is where the tournament took place. Then we had hot dogs and chips. It was a fun day.
Mom and brother and Miss Amy and Willem were there to watch and cheer too. Mom was embarrassing--she took lots of pictures and talked to all my teachers. I'll post them since she went to all that work, even though she didn't get any action shots like I wanted. There is a good one of brother giving me a congratulations hug. He can be sweet sometimes, I guess.
Mom was so happy to see me greet all my old friends from Hillandale again. She also enjoyed watching me be real good and sit for a long time. She said I earned a medal just watching and being a good boy for my teachers for half an hour. She said that's a long time for a little boy. I agree.
Well, it's off to bed. This little basketball star is pooped. Or was that, has pooped. Uh oh.
Love, Adam xx
Monday, February 16, 2009
Where mom and I disagree...
You know why I like the Presidents? No school. And snow? No school. That's right...I think it's completely appropriate to have a day off to appreciate those men who run or have run our country, and also that fluffy white stuff that makes my hands cold. But mom doesn't think so, and regularly complains that someone's getting off easy when I stay home for what she calls silly reasons. Too bad, I say.
Except today, when a snow day two weeks ago means that we have to go to school today despite it being hooray for Presidents day. I guess I know who's winning after all.
You guessed it: Mom.
Except today, when a snow day two weeks ago means that we have to go to school today despite it being hooray for Presidents day. I guess I know who's winning after all.
You guessed it: Mom.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Love Day
Hi all,
Apparently this is a big day for some people, namely Mr. and Mrs. Hallmark and the people who make those little heart shaped candies with letters on them. Good for them, they're everywhere.
Mom says it's a day where you are supposed to express your love for people, so I just want to say I love you. All. There--can I go play now? :)
Actually, there is a funny little twist to all of this. When I came home yesterday from school mom opened my bag because it was suspiciously heavy. She knew that I had thrown my pants down the toilet (don't be alarmed, it was clean), so she expected to find just them in there. When she took out my pants, she found all my "booty", the valentines cards and candy that I got from my friends at school. Wow, talk about amazement. She could not believe all the love--in the form of little cards with Kung Fu Panda and Superman on them--that had come home with me from school. I try to tell her that I have a lot of friends there, and I think now she believes me. For some reason these kids had thought to give me a card, even though I don't really look twice at them (not because I don't love them, see above). It's enough to make you rethink how people feel about someone with disabilities.
So mom says she will cherish my cards forever, brother cherished all my candy clean up, and I cherish all my friends--candy giving and not--for loving little ol' me just as I am. Enough said.
Apparently this is a big day for some people, namely Mr. and Mrs. Hallmark and the people who make those little heart shaped candies with letters on them. Good for them, they're everywhere.
Mom says it's a day where you are supposed to express your love for people, so I just want to say I love you. All. There--can I go play now? :)
Actually, there is a funny little twist to all of this. When I came home yesterday from school mom opened my bag because it was suspiciously heavy. She knew that I had thrown my pants down the toilet (don't be alarmed, it was clean), so she expected to find just them in there. When she took out my pants, she found all my "booty", the valentines cards and candy that I got from my friends at school. Wow, talk about amazement. She could not believe all the love--in the form of little cards with Kung Fu Panda and Superman on them--that had come home with me from school. I try to tell her that I have a lot of friends there, and I think now she believes me. For some reason these kids had thought to give me a card, even though I don't really look twice at them (not because I don't love them, see above). It's enough to make you rethink how people feel about someone with disabilities.
So mom says she will cherish my cards forever, brother cherished all my candy clean up, and I cherish all my friends--candy giving and not--for loving little ol' me just as I am. Enough said.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Do you ear what I ear?
Hi folks,
Been a while, I know. Brother had his birthday last week, but was sick with 'ammonia' (I know, it's pneumonia, but try telling that to a new 3 year old!). Anyway, he was so sick that mom was preoccupied a bit, and we lost track of the week with all the antibiotic-taking and bed-hopping. It's usually me that ends up on antibiotics, but this time I sailed on through my little cold with only a bit of ear ooze. No problem! We tried to have pizza for his birthday dinner, but he didn't want any and I decided it was time for climbing practice in the restaurant, so mom and dad cut the dinner short.
The major irritation for me is that last week one of my hearing aids quit working, and we've all found that I still actually like them, even if "they" think I don't need them. I've not been myself, and really it's just that I like having the aids in my ears--they help me process what I hear, and without them sounds just aren't sounds like I like them. I can't explain it, but mom knows what I mean and she's trying to get them fixed. I will have to go for another hearing test, this time a proper one, and that may convince them of what we know.
At any rate, mom sang in a choir concert last Sunday along with a symphony orchestra, and it was great, even without my 'ears'. I liked the part where they played Baby Einstein--mom's telling me it was Beethoven's 5th symphony, you know the one: Bah, bah, bah, buuuuuummm--but to me it sounded like the Giraffe one, as brother calls it. It was great, and every time the music got loud I snapped to attention for a while again. I even tried to conduct with the guy in front, waving my arms in time to the music. Mom said that Beethoven must have had a kid with Autism, since he knew just how long to let the music go soft before turning up the volume again. I think she's a little silly, but I love her.
Brother is well and it's warm for a change, so we're off to the park. Bye for now!
love, Adam x
Been a while, I know. Brother had his birthday last week, but was sick with 'ammonia' (I know, it's pneumonia, but try telling that to a new 3 year old!). Anyway, he was so sick that mom was preoccupied a bit, and we lost track of the week with all the antibiotic-taking and bed-hopping. It's usually me that ends up on antibiotics, but this time I sailed on through my little cold with only a bit of ear ooze. No problem! We tried to have pizza for his birthday dinner, but he didn't want any and I decided it was time for climbing practice in the restaurant, so mom and dad cut the dinner short.
The major irritation for me is that last week one of my hearing aids quit working, and we've all found that I still actually like them, even if "they" think I don't need them. I've not been myself, and really it's just that I like having the aids in my ears--they help me process what I hear, and without them sounds just aren't sounds like I like them. I can't explain it, but mom knows what I mean and she's trying to get them fixed. I will have to go for another hearing test, this time a proper one, and that may convince them of what we know.
At any rate, mom sang in a choir concert last Sunday along with a symphony orchestra, and it was great, even without my 'ears'. I liked the part where they played Baby Einstein--mom's telling me it was Beethoven's 5th symphony, you know the one: Bah, bah, bah, buuuuuummm--but to me it sounded like the Giraffe one, as brother calls it. It was great, and every time the music got loud I snapped to attention for a while again. I even tried to conduct with the guy in front, waving my arms in time to the music. Mom said that Beethoven must have had a kid with Autism, since he knew just how long to let the music go soft before turning up the volume again. I think she's a little silly, but I love her.
Brother is well and it's warm for a change, so we're off to the park. Bye for now!
love, Adam x
Grassroots music festival,
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The voice emerges
Hi all,
A midday post, since it's pouring rain and 41 degrees outside and mom won't let me play in the street. Apparently she's ordered some new cold weather gear for brother and I and when it comes we can go out again. Either that or tomorrow, when it's supposed to be 63 degrees. I still can't figure this crazy state out!!
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I said brother's name this weekend. Actually, it sounded like "Giggy Bock", but they all knew what I meant. Pronunciation is overrated anyway, right? Then, just to clarify who else was in the conversation, I pointed at myself and said my name, "Agam Bock" (again, I'm working on it!). Why mom and dad were silent, looked at each other and then erupted into cheers I'll never know. It seemed like a logical enough thing for me to point out.
I've also developed a love of playing with cars, finally. The only trouble is that they all belong to brother, which means the getting whacked on the top of my head quotient is increasing. And of course I'm still totally into music, which goes without saying. Dad ordered some new White Stripes albums and we've been rockin' in the evenings. At least I don't get whacked for that!
Love for now, Adam x
A midday post, since it's pouring rain and 41 degrees outside and mom won't let me play in the street. Apparently she's ordered some new cold weather gear for brother and I and when it comes we can go out again. Either that or tomorrow, when it's supposed to be 63 degrees. I still can't figure this crazy state out!!
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I said brother's name this weekend. Actually, it sounded like "Giggy Bock", but they all knew what I meant. Pronunciation is overrated anyway, right? Then, just to clarify who else was in the conversation, I pointed at myself and said my name, "Agam Bock" (again, I'm working on it!). Why mom and dad were silent, looked at each other and then erupted into cheers I'll never know. It seemed like a logical enough thing for me to point out.
I've also developed a love of playing with cars, finally. The only trouble is that they all belong to brother, which means the getting whacked on the top of my head quotient is increasing. And of course I'm still totally into music, which goes without saying. Dad ordered some new White Stripes albums and we've been rockin' in the evenings. At least I don't get whacked for that!
Love for now, Adam x
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Like father like brother
He's 2. OK, almost 3, but still 2.
The things I have to put up with. Hmph.
Love, Adam
p.s. mom and dad went to a Duke University men's basketball game today. At least they left us with some good sitters.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Snow problem!
I see it's been a while since my last post, but here I am again!
We had our first snow this week, on Monday night in fact, much to mom's chagrin. We already had Tuesday off to watch Barack Obama take the oath as President of the United States (a very good way to round off a sledding session and accompanied by some good hot chocolate, which the folks in D.C. looked like they needed too!) Unfortunately, sub-freezing temperatures on Tuesday night meant no school on Wednesday as well. Moving on into Thursday we still had a 2-hour delay, so by the time 11am came Mom fairly booted me out the door. OK, I'm exaggerating...a bit.
Anyway, short day at school over now, it's on to Friday and guess what? The weekend again. Yay! Mom's over here muttering to herself...don't mind her. I know she had enough time today to enquire about my school for next year, and it looks all set for me to return to Scotland and go to P-1 like we had planned. Now that's good news, even if it's supposed to rain tomorrow night.
Wet wishes to all...love Adam x
We had our first snow this week, on Monday night in fact, much to mom's chagrin. We already had Tuesday off to watch Barack Obama take the oath as President of the United States (a very good way to round off a sledding session and accompanied by some good hot chocolate, which the folks in D.C. looked like they needed too!) Unfortunately, sub-freezing temperatures on Tuesday night meant no school on Wednesday as well. Moving on into Thursday we still had a 2-hour delay, so by the time 11am came Mom fairly booted me out the door. OK, I'm exaggerating...a bit.
Anyway, short day at school over now, it's on to Friday and guess what? The weekend again. Yay! Mom's over here muttering to herself...don't mind her. I know she had enough time today to enquire about my school for next year, and it looks all set for me to return to Scotland and go to P-1 like we had planned. Now that's good news, even if it's supposed to rain tomorrow night.
Wet wishes to all...love Adam x
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The night the lights went out in Durham
I've officially experienced my first power outage! Last night we were having a relatively normal evening until about 6pm, when all of a sudden the lights went out at our house. After taking a minute to process what had happened (I assume that's what adults do, of course), mom and dad went to find the flashlights and candles and we were bathed in a rosy glow. They checked the neighborhood and found that we were not the only ones. In fact, several blocks were also in darkness. Thus began the waiting, and the bath!

p.s. here is a picture from Christmas that you might enjoy!
It didn't take long, really--only about 3 hours until the power company had it all fixed. I did find it a bit confusing why I couldn't listen to my music or watch Baby Einstein, though. But Dad helped pass the time by regaling us with some rusty tunes on the new (used) violin we bought. He's still got it, if I do say so myself. We are all excited about having some "jam sessions" soon. In fact, dad liked the whole evening so much that he said we should have a power outage every week!
I never mentioned our trip to Florida last week. It was a great time--Oma from TX came in on the evening after Christmas and then we took off, arriving in Orlando at 5am! It was a pretty long drive, but brother and I slept for much of it so we didn't mind. The weather in Orlando was warm and sunny, and we had our Seneff cousins to play with and lots to keep us occupied. We saw the Citrus Bowl parade and went to a farmer's market and played lots. It was a great week overall, even with the 12 hour drive home in traffic.
Oma left on Monday, and it's been back to "work" ever since. Mom has been trying to keep up with my cold, her cold, brother's cough, dad's cold, evenings out, back to school, and the usual household things. It's been a funny week with us all sick, but not too bad. I have another ear infection that I'm getting drops for--had to stay home from school today but I'll probably go back tomorrow.
That's all for now. Happy New Year to all! Love, Adam.
p.s. here is a picture from Christmas that you might enjoy!
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