Hi folks, sorry it's been so long! I've just been so busy and have so much to tell as a result, that I'll get to work right away. No chatter--I'm all about business! :)
After my last post, we had a nice weekend and then mom had two worrisome days wondering how I would do at school. Well, the answer is that I've settled down a bit and they've done some different things with my school friends and I, like taking us to the playground each morning at 10am for 15 minutes, and that has helped me carry through my day better.
On Wednesday I had my appointment with the ENT, Dr. Hulka--who everyone says is great, and who had a really cool tie that I spent the whole time trying to grab! Mom and Dad were thrilled, not least because Dr. Hulka said he could help get rid of the fluid in my ears and maybe put tubes in so I can hear better. He also said I had an ear infection at the moment, and gave me antibiotic ear drops which made me feel lots better in a couple of days. I've even been eating a lot more, which shows that I was not comfortable for a while. But I try not to complain, I'm a pretty tough cookie in general!
Then we set off on Thursday morning for Asheville, NC--actually for Fairview, where my aunt Michelle and uncle Tim and cousins Brock, Wesley, Rachel and baby Maria were waiting for our family. We spent four days there, one entirely in the rain!, riding ATV's, swimming, playing, singing, cooking, running, swinging and talking. I got to know the boys (Brock and Wesley) much better, and spent some time wrestling and singing with them. They were great to take MY time to get to know me too!! Auntie Michelle also sat and sang lots with me--I even taught her "Wind the Bobbin"! I'll try to include some photos from that trip here--mom and dad also said they had a great time, even if they didn't get much sleep!
We came back Sunday night, and it was straight back to school on Monday morning. I did well, and had a couple of good days. Then this morning Mom and Dad had their big meeting at school to talk about my IEP (Individualised Education Plan) and discuss where might be the best place for me to receive services. They talked for a long time--3 hours!!--and decided that my category of eligibility (which you have to have to receive special education services) is called "Multi-handicap" or MH. That means I tick lots of boxes, and mom and dad are OK with that. So am I, I mean after all it's true! And I know everyone likes me anyway, so a label is no big deal to me.
So now with the MH label, they can provide services, but where is still the question. One suggestion is moving to a school a little ways from our house where they have both an AU (Autism) class and a HI (Hearing Impaired) class and I could split my time between the two. Mom will go visit with the EC (Exceptional children) coordinator and the Teacher of the Deaf who works there and we'll talk about if it's a good fit for me or not. According to the law here, you have to be placed in your "least restrictive environment", which is why they put me in the class I'm in right now, but this other one might be more helpful for me since I need lots of structure and visual aids, and also people to work with me and help me.
They have given us a target date of October 13 to maybe have me transitioned. I know I'll have to help mom as she really loves my class and teachers and will be sad if I have to leave! So will I, but I also adapt pretty quickly--and I know we'll go back to Hillandale for visits if I have to leave. My teacher said I can still come to the Pumpkin patch and bowling which are on the 14th and 15th of October--too bad Dad will be gone and won't get to see me bowl!
So that's where we're at...mom and dad had a long nap today after their meeting, I had a good day at school...oh yeah, and Oma is here!! She came in last night and stayed with my brother this morning while mom and dad were at the meeting. She's playing with me now, so I better go. More later--love, Adam.